Thursday, December 29, 2011


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Friday, April 29, 2011

Let's Maple-Up Some Salmon!

French Canadians are supposedly known to drink maple syrup when the season comes. (I actually know one who does. Quite an awesome substitute for morning cofee!) The syrup season is HERE! Being just a Canadian, I settle for eating maple cream by the spoonful straight out of the little styrofoam cup that it comes in. Oh so delicious! I have great plans to make some soon. For now, I'll just maple-up some delicious salmon fillets for dinner. <3!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Another Vege-Fruit Soup Combo!

There's something to be said about vegetable fruit combos. Since the carrot orange ginger soup, I have been on the look out for more combos for soup. According to the internet, pear enhances the flavor of zucchini; mango does the same for cauliflower; and banana for avocado. I am not sure how the other two combo will turn out but zucchini + pear makes one awesome soup! Who knew? The internet sometimes gets (untested) stuff right!

Oh yeah! It's a nice grilled cheese you are spotting in the background. Aged white cheddar between 2 slices of my favorite bread. It's my favorite thing to complete a soup meal.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Gift to Dad: The Leaning Tower of Cream Puffs - 4/20/2011

Badabadum~! Badabadum~! (It may not be exactly correct but I am trying to hum the Indiana Jones theme song to build up some suspense...) I hereby christen this croquembouche the "Leaning Tower of Cream Puffs". *Proceeds to crack it open with a big ass kitchen knife.* Joking. I know that proper croquembouche christening involves a champagne bottle.

My favorite dad (still a favorite even if he's my only dad) is turning a lovely age this year. Taking mom's aging calender, the fact that she doesn't want to be married to an older man, and that everyone knows mom and dad are born in the same year. HAPPY 48th BIRTHDAY, DAD!!!

(As promised, this cake made from your favorite dessert will be recreated for you when I visit.)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Have a Happy Käsekuchen Birthday <3 - Signe 4/12/2011

Happy birthday to you~
Happy birthday to you~
Happy birthday Signe!
Happy birthday to you!!!

Here's to your 22nd birthday. =)